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How to choose a diamond engagement ring?


Engagement is a romantic moment for the bride and future spouse. It is remembered by the couple for a lifetime, so it is important how the event is held.

A necessary attribute of the engagement is a diamond ring, to the choice of which the groom should pay extra attention.

1. Set a Budget

The cost of an engagement ring varies across cultures, with the United States traditionally suggesting a cost equivalent to two months’ salary, while in other countries, the emphasis lies more on the proposal and the romantic ambiance rather than specific financial expectations.

Radiant White Gold Three Stone Engagement Ring

2. Select a diamond

The following criteria guide the selection of a diamond in an engagement ring:

Choose what the origin of the diamond will be

When it comes to the world of diamonds, there are two remarkable paths that unveil their stunning beauty: the embrace of nature and the mastery of human touch.

Natural Diamonds: These exquisite gems are the result of Mother Nature’s impeccable craftsmanship, formed deep within the Earth’s embrace over millions of years. Each natural diamond boasts a unique tale of creation, hued by the forces of time, pressure, and geological artistry. From the rough depths, they emerge as rare and irreplaceable treasures, capturing the essence of raw natural splendor. Their rarity and allure command a worthy price, often reaching the pinnacle of the market’s appreciation.

Lab-Grown Diamonds: In a realm where science meets art, lab-grown diamonds gracefully make their entrance. Cultivated with human ingenuity, these diamonds mirror the chemical and physical structures of their natural counterparts. Under the careful nurturing of skilled scientists, these diamonds embark on an accelerated journey of growth, bringing forth gems that possess identical visual brilliance and purity. Embracing sustainability and innovation, lab-grown diamonds offer a captivating alternative, positively influencing the market’s landscape.

Learn more about lab and mined diamonds

Online store Cultive Jewelry offers engagement rings with both mined and lab-grown diamonds.

Market value and investment feasibility. When it comes to market value, both lab-grown and mined diamonds have their unique positions. Mined diamonds, with their enduring legacy and limited supply, often enjoy a high market value driven by their rarity and established consumer demand. Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, present an accessible entry point into the world of diamonds, offering potential cost advantages due to their controlled production and ethical considerations.

In terms of investment feasibility, each type of diamond presents its own considerations. Traditional investors may be drawn to the historical resilience and long-standing desirability of mined diamonds, viewing them as a store of value and potentially lucrative asset. Meanwhile, lab-grown diamonds offer an exciting avenue for those interested in leveraging ethical and sustainable investments in the diamond industry, as well as catering to evolving consumer preferences. As with any investment, diligent research and expert guidance are essential to navigate the intricacies of the market and its evolving trends.

Choose the cut of the diamond

The shape and cut of the stone depends on the master’s idea. A round stone is considered a classic option, but there are other cuts: a diamond in the form of a heart or a drop, baguette or triangle and other variants. The main thing is that the finished stone harmonizes organically with the rest of the components of the ring.

Read more about the diamond cut types

Choose the color of the stone

A transparent diamond or a stone with shades of yellow is met and chosen by men more often. But a fancy stone of another color looks no worse: bright yellow or orange, blue or green, pinkish or lilac. It depends on the color preferences of the chosen one. The shade of the diamond is clearly visible if it is viewed against a white background.

The setting of the jewelry can slightly distort the color of the stone.

Read more about the diamond color

About the diamond clarity

Clarity refers to the presence (or absence) of internal flaws, known as inclusions, and surface irregularities, known as defects. These natural imperfections, like unique fingerprints, are nature’s signature on each diamond’s journey. Graded on a scale from flawless to included, clarity directly affects a diamond’s visual purity and brilliance. Diamonds with higher clarity grades, which indicate exceptional transparency and fewer imperfections, are more desirable and often have higher market values. However, even diamonds with lower clarity grades have their own enduring appeal, as they possess the individuality and intricate character that make each gemstone truly unique.

We advise not to get hung up on the absolute transparency of the stone since in most cases the clarity imperfections are not visible to the naked human eye.

Read more about the diamond clarity

Decide about carat weight

Diamond weight is measured in carats, one carat equals 0.2 grams. Diamonds up to 0.3 carats are considered small stones, medium stones are up to 1 carat, and large stones’ weight starts from 1 carat.

It is wrong to think that the best diamond is a large sized stone. It is much more important that the diamond sparkles and shimmers in the light and looks harmoniously in the ring.

Read more about carat weight

3. Select a Ring

Pay attention to the following criteria:

Precios Metal Options

Rose gold. This captivating alloy tantalizes the eye with its warm and romantic blush tones. Crafted by infusing pure gold with copper, red gold emanates a delicate balance of sophistication and playfulness. The presence of copper not only infuses the metal with its signature hue, but also adds durability and strength to the jewelry piece. Red gold has gained immense popularity in recent years, becoming a fashion-forward and versatile option for jewelry lovers seeking a unique and contemporary expression of style. From delicate rings to captivating necklaces, red gold effortlessly transforms any piece into a whimsical work of art, casting a rosy glow that embraces the wearer with a touch of elegance and charm.

White gold White gold, an alloy with silver, palladium and copper, is a very popular jewelry alloy. Externally, its surface is silver colored. Its main characteristic is increased durability. Jewelers use white gold as a decorative element, enhancing the appearance of the entire piece.

Many people may mistake white gold for silver. Here are a few ways to distinguish white gold versus silver:

  • Silver has cool luster, whereas white gold has a metallic sheen;
  • Silver jewelry leaves a dark stain when swiped on a light surface;
  • White gold will not change color if you drop dye on it or put it in a glass of vinegar.

However, only a professional can accurately and authoritatively determine what alloy is there in a piece of jewelry through an expert examination.

Yellow gold is a mixture of pure gold with silver, copper and, more rarely, zinc, giving the precious metal its classic sunny hue.

Select Ring Setting

Here are some popular types of engagement ring settings available:

  • Prong Setting.. This classic and widely used setting holds the center gemstone securely in place using metal prongs that grip the stone’s edges while allowing maximum light to pass through. Prong settings can have four, six, or more prongs, depending on the desired style and level of security.
  • Bezel Setting. In a bezel setting, the gemstone is surrounded by a metal rim that encircles its entire circumference, providing a secure and protective frame. This setting style is known for its modern and sleek look and is an excellent choice for active individuals.
  • Halo Setting. A halo setting features a central gemstone surrounded by a collection of smaller stones, forming a “halo” effect. This setting adds extra brilliance and visual impact, making the center stone appear larger and more radiant.
  • Channel Setting. In a channel setting, small gemstones are placed in a row and held between two metal channels. The stones are nestled securely within the channels, creating a smooth and continuous band of sparkle along the ring’s surface.
  • Pave Setting. Pave settings consist of numerous small gemstones set closely together in tiny holes or “pavements,” creating a paved appearance. This setting style maximizes the overall sparkle and brilliance of the ring by covering a substantial area with small stones.
  • Tension Setting. In a tension setting, the center gemstone is held in place by the pressure of the metal band, creating a visually stunning and modern look. This setting gives the illusion that the stone is suspended in mid-air, allowing ample light to enter and showcase the gem’s brilliance.
  • Cluster Setting. Cluster settings feature multiple smaller gemstones grouped closely together to create the illusion of a larger, more substantial center stone. This setting style offers a unique and intricate design, often reminiscent of floral or geometric patterns.
  • Three-Stone Setting. As the name suggests, a three-stone setting features a trio of gemstones, representing the past, present, and future of a relationship. This setting symbolizes the enduring journey of love and is often chosen for its sentimental meaning.

These are just a few examples of the various engagement ring settings available. Each setting offers its own unique appearance and characteristics, allowing couples to find the perfect style that reflects their personal taste and love story.

When choosing a setting for an engagement ring, it is important to consider your partner’s qualities and preferences. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Personal style. Consider your partner’s personal style and fashion choices. Does she prefer classic, vintage, modern or unique designs? Consider their taste in jewelry, their overall fashion sense, and the styles they tend to gravitate toward.
  • Lifestyle and Activities. Consider your partner’s lifestyle and daily activities. Are they active and hands-on, or do they have a more reserved and relaxed lifestyle? If they have an active lifestyle, you may want to choose a setting that is safer and more durable, such as a bezel or channel setting, which can protect the gemstone from damage.
  • Comfort. Consider your partner’s comfort preferences. Some settings may have a higher profile or intricate detailing that could potentially catch on clothing or be less comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Make sure the setting you choose is comfortable for everyday wear, taking into account factors such as height and smoothness of edges.
  • Gemstone selection: If you have a specific gemstone in mind, consider the setting that will best showcase its characteristics. Different settings can enhance the beauty of a gemstone in unique ways. For example, a prong setting allows the maximum amount of light to penetrate the stone, highlighting its brilliance, while a halo setting can add extra sparkle and make the center stone appear larger.
  • Symbolism and Meaning. Think about the symbolism and meaning you want to convey with the ring. Each setting has its own symbolism and can evoke different emotions. Consider the imagery associated with different settings and choose one that matches the message and emotion you want to convey.
  • Communication and input. Prioritize open communication with your partner. Discuss their preferences, show them different styles and settings, and involve them in the decision-making process. Her input and involvement will ensure that the setting chosen is in line with her wishes and reflects her personal taste.

Choosing an engagement ring is a big decision, and considering your partner’s qualities, preferences, and values will help you choose a setting that symbolizes your love and resonates with their individuality.

Depending on the character of your chosen one, you can take a risk and give her an original piece of jewelry. These can be:

Rings with flowers as a symbol of fragility. This option is suitable for romantic natures and those who adore flowers and feminine style of clothing.

With lace, as a symbol of gracefulness of a woman. This choice will suit only very feminine ladies who prefer to wear dresses and skirts, and do not have a love for sports style.

Consider jewelry with a heart diamond as a symbol of love. For romantic and touching natures, who want to say once again about their love.

Double rings that intertwine with each other.

Choose Your Partner’s Ring Size

The solemn moment of the engagement can get spoiled with the wrong size of the ring. The average ring size for a girl is 6-6.5, but it is better to know more precisely. How to do it, if we are talking about a surprise?

The old-fashioned way is to take another girl’s ring and imprint it on a bar of soap. The jeweler will tell the size from the imprint.

You can also ask about the size from friends or parents of the chosen one.

In extreme cases, if the ring turns our to be small, you can stretch it at a jeweller.

A joint trip to the jewelry store and the choice of a ring is suitable for those who are sure that the girl is practical and it is pleasant for her to choose the jewelry herself. And the very day of going to the store and will be a surprise moment of engagement. While choosing a ring in a jewelry store, it is recommended to ask about the certificate for the jewelry and once again check the characteristics of the ring.

Choosing a diamond engagement ring will help a young man to understand whether he is finally ready for a serious relationship.

4. Purchase Process

5. Propose!

The rest is up to you! Whichever beautiful engagement ring you decide on, your proposal will be a meaningful moment the two of you will cherish. Read unique ideas to make your proposal unforgettable.

Engagement Ring Care

Proper care of this treasured piece of jewelry is essential to ensure its longevity and sparkle. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the ring with mild soap and warm water, avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive materials, and storing the ring in a soft pouch or jewelry box when not in use, can help preserve its luster. In addition, scheduling regular professional inspections and cleanings can address any potential issues and keep the ring looking its best. By following these care measures, an engagement ring can continue to sparkle and symbolize the enduring love and commitment it represents.

Engagement rings Q&A

Is an engagement ring compulsory at all?

It is a matter of choice. Before the twentieth century, an engagement ring, like many other things, depended on the couple’s religion and position in society. The modern tradition of giving engagement rings appeared relatively recently, in the first half of the twentieth century, largely under the influence of Hollywood and the marketing of jewelry brands.

In general, to give a ring for an engagement ring or not – it depends on what views you and your girlfriend adhere to.

Is there a single traditional engagement ring design?

More likely, yes.

An engagement ring is usually a ring with one obvious decorative element, the stone in the setting. The classic choice is a diamond. Not only for its beauty, but also because it is the hardest mineral known to man. It is scratch resistant and requires no special care or precautions.

It is harder to accidentally break a diamond than a sapphire, a ruby, or even an emerald (the latter of which should be removed every time you wash your hands).

So the phrase “diamonds are forever” is not only a nice slogan of De Beers, but also a description of the physical characteristics of this stone.

Wouldn’t a diamond be too corny?

No, not unless your girlfriend suddenly says so.

But then you probably know her other favorite gemstones – choose from those.

If your fears are based on the fact that your future wife likes anything original, then you can choose a colored diamond.

Yes, in most cases they will be significantly more expensive than their colorless counterparts. But even a tiny but bright yellow, pink or blue diamond in a quality setting will look original.

A stone from the Champagne range in the “cushion” cut (which, by the way, was chosen by Prince Harry for Meghan Markle’s ring) can be within the same budget as a colorless diamond of a smaller size.

Are engagement rings and wedding rings different jewelry?

Yes. When choosing an engagement ring, it’s important to remember that women sometimes wear two rings on the same finger or hand. So, it’s better if the design of the engagement ring allows for this combination.

Some married women wear one wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand and one engagement ring on the left hand.

And in some families, it is customary to wear an engagement ring only on anniversaries after marriage.

If this is your case, you can choose an engagement ring that is unusual and ornate rather than laconic and classic.

Is it better to make a surprise or go to the store and choose a ring together?

It depends on the situation.

As a rule, modern girls can inform themselves that they want to choose a ring.

Is that your case? Then discuss the budget and go to the store or jeweler together.

Do not remember a similar revelation? Then prepare a surprise.

What do you need to find out to make the surprise a success and the ring fit?

Look in your girlfriend’s jewelry box. Take a look at the jewelry and watches she wears.

If they are dominated by round-cut stones and smooth shapes, you should follow the same style when choosing a ring.

Did you notice that she loves strict geometry and rectangular stones? Chances are she will love the clean lines of gold combined with princess and emerald cut stones.

It is also important to decide on the size, at least approximately. A small margin of error is allowed: after the cherished “I agree,” any jeweler will make the necessary adjustments.

To understand the size, measure the inside diameter of the ring that a girl wears on her index or ring finger – for convenience, you can simply trace it with a pencil on a piece of paper.

If you can only find something for the middle finger, go one size smaller for the ring finger.

I have a ring in my family that has been inherited. Should I do something with it?

Of course! You have several options.

You can present the ring and tell its family history. If you’re worried she won’t like the ring, let her decide its fate after the engagement.

For example, the design of the family ring can be slightly improved. Or even ask the jeweler to melt the ring into a diamond setting, then it won’t be a piece of jewelry, but gold or platinum that will be inherited.

If your family ring looks more like a signet ring by design, take it to a professional and ask to have the stones examined.

If the signet ring has stones like corundum and cubic zirconia, you can replace them with high quality diamonds while the setting remains the same.

Say more about a custom ring!

A custom ring can be more affordable than an off-the-shelf ring.

In this case, you don’t have to overpay for a name brand, legendary branding, or the mystery of buying in a historic boutique.

And with a private order, you can choose the diamond that is right for you in terms of price and quality.

And of course, you can order the desired size from the jeweler and choose the design you know you will love.

What if I can’t guess the size or design of the ring I ordered?

That’s okay. The size and design can always be adjusted. But modern technology makes it possible to coordinate every detail at the stage of model making.

Our jewelers can show you a three-dimensional image of the ring first, to avoid the unpleasant situation when you imagined the ring differently than it actually turned out.

Are there any mandatory rules for choosing an engagement ring?
There are no such rules. No diamond is too big or too small. Yes, there are well-established social conventions and questions of appropriateness, but if you don’t have to attend aristocratic gatherings, you don’t have to think about any of that. Choose what pleases you and your loved one.